I have sat down to write this post at least five times and each time I truly have been unable to find the words as I have looked back on my 2018. 2018 was my TENTH year in business and what an amazing year it was!! From launching mentor sessions to photographing weddings & sessions all over North & South Carolina (and a few other places as well) it has been a year that I will never forget!! I am still in awe that I have been able to do this thing I love so much for TEN years!!!! In January 2009 I had NO idea how long I would be in business or where this business would take me. To look back at 10 full years of documenting memories I can tell you that a whole lot of blood, sweat & tears have happened and I wouldn’t trade any of it (good or bad) because it has all shaped me and this business I love so much. The growth & learning that has happened in 10 years… and for a good chunk of those years I was up late reading and searching the internet trying to figure out how photography & business should work!! Wishing that 10 years ago I had what new photographers/business owners have at their finger tips today… but at the same time I wouldn’t trade the crazy hard work because I truly believe it’s what has made Kendra Martin Photography into what it is today… into what it will be 10 years from now. I have NO idea what the next ten years hold for Kendra Martin Photography… but I do know that I will continue going out to every session & wedding doing everything I can to document those in front of my camera as they are… so that way in 10, 20 30+ years they can be transported back to that exact moment in time. I will continue going out there giving this job I love so much my all and delivering a product that I believe in and stand by!! Y’all I can’t thank you enough for the love & support you all have given me over the last ten years!!! As for 2018… y’all it was an amazing year… full of weddings, love, kiddos & families!!!
A HUGE thank you to everyone that wanted me to freeze their moments for them this year. It has truly been an honor!!! Thank you to my fellow wedding vendors that I had the opportunity to work alongside of at weddings!! Thank you to the friends & families of clients that I have had the chance to meet all year. Thank you to Christa & Emily who have driven countless miles, walked countless steps, grabbed me waters & cokes (b/c this girl needs some caffeine towards the end of a wedding night), have taken behind the scenes photos, have calmed me down when timelines get thrown, who have helped me love & serve my clients as if they were their clients. Christa & Emily… I really don’t know what I’d do without you two. Not only on wedding days but in life in general…. There are NOT enough thank you’s to you two!!!!!
To my mom & dad… thank y’all for supporting me and loving me and encouraging me always to go after my dreams. Ten years ago y’all were the ones that really helped me get this little business up and going… THANK YOU!!! Kenzie & Kenlee, you two actually make doing this job I love so much hard… hard because I don’t like leaving you two. Hard because when you realize I’m going to be gone all day or for an hour or for a weekend to photograph someone you usually say “mommy I don’t want you to go” or “can I go with you”…. My hope is when you see me leave that you see your mommy going after her dreams while also helping to provide for our family. My hope is that you realize that y’all can be anything you want to be. You can have far fetched dreams that you may think can never happen… or the world tells you can’t happen… but in reality you know they can & will and you go after them!! My hope is that whatever it is God leads you to do in this life of yours that you do it because you love it. Because you get to love on others and serve others… and also show others Christ. My hope is that by seeing me go after dreams (small, big and everything in between) that you go after dreams too. I love you two so much that it literally hurts. Thinking about how much I love you as I sit here and type … well there are tears running down my cheeks. I love y’all and as hard as it is to leave you to go “work”… I do it because I know that it’s what I am called to do. I know that I was created to be y’alls mommy. I was created to be your daddy’s wife… and I was created to serve others… and my way of serving is through this gift of photography!! I love y’all and I am excited for the day that I do get to take y’all with me if photography is something you want to pursue!!! Gary…. Over eleven years ago you told me to at least think about doing photography as more than just a hobby and in January 2009 that’s just what I did with your pushing, love & support!! Thank you for everything you have done to help make Kendra Martin Photography a reality. Thank you for the sacrifices & support & encouragement that you give on a daily basis. Thank you for walking alongside of me with everything I do!! I love you and I know that w/out you … well it wouldn’t be possible for this to happen!!!
Soo sooo grateful for the last year… for the last ten years!!!! So excited about what 2019 hold… but for just a minute I want to look back on what happened in 2018!!!!
I am so glad that you stopped by my online home!! One of my favorite things to do is share my clients’ images!! It gives you a look at the kind of images you will receive if you hire me to be your photographer. If you would like to see what a full session or wedding looks like, please feel free to ask!
If you are interested in having me as your Wedding or Portrait Photographer, please fill out this form and I will get back to you with all of my information. For a quick glimpse of who I am click here. Here is a glimpse of investment information. If you’re ready to book your wedding or session go ahead and click on the contact button above or email me at kendramartinphotography@gmail.
I am currently booking Winter 2019 Sessions – Summer 2020 Weddings. I take a very limited number of weddings & sessions each year (I am only taking on a handful more for 2019) so that I can focus on giving my clients the best possible experience & so I can spend time with my sweet family. I love what I do & I am looking forward to chatting with you & documenting your sweet memories