

Greenville Photographer | 10 things about Kendra – February edition!!!

So this is totally new for me & I if you follow Katelyn James Photography you’ll know that I’m taking a spin off a blog post that Katelyn’s husband Michael posted last week called “10 things you didn’t know”.  As I was reading the blog post I kept thinking to myself that maybe with being new to South Carolina that I should totally do a few posts this year that let those here in SC, NC and Georgia (and those are the states I’m stating because I’m within in a hour drive from each so I can totally see myself shooting weddings or sessions in my bordering states) know a little more about me.  Yeah, you can probably go back through my blog history OR I can make it a little easier and do a few get to know Kendra posts 🙂 :)!!!   So that’s where this post comes about… I don’t have any set plan on how often I’ll post these but I’m super excited about these blog posts!!!!  If you’ve read my about me page you may recognize a few things I blog about over time but my intent is to give you a little more insight into who I am!!!

1.  I purposely am saying that this is February edition of 10 things about Kendra because well… this is my birth month.  AND today just happens to be my birthday… and not just ANY birthday, but MY 30TH BIRTHDAY!!!!! I’m really not quite sure how I feel about turning 30 but I haven’t freaked out yet, so I’m guessing that’s a good sign!!!!

2.  If you haven’t guessed it yet, I’m Kendra!!!  🙂 I could stop there, but I won’t!! I was born and raised in the south (being Georgia & North Carolina).  I love so many things that are southern and totally claim the southern girl card!!  After getting married jobs took us to NOVA (northern Virgina for all of those who don’t live there), and then a year later took us to Texas (which yes is southern, but it’s Texas… Texas is it’s own thing and very rarely can you get sweet tea at a restaurant so it’s not “southern”… I think I’m okay in saying that Texas is Texas and yep I will stop there), and then 6 years later we made it back to the south and are now in the Upstate of South Carolina.

Kendra Martin Photography | Greenville Wedding PhotographerThis photo was taken by a resort photographer whom I’d love to give credit to, but he never gave us his information!!!

3.  You’ll notice that I said we!!!!  I am married to my high school sweetheart Gary.  We claim that we’ve dated since we were 14 & 15 (so yes this makes the 15th birthday I’ve spent with him) but we did date others at times so I can’t claim all 15.5 years but it’s pretty dang close & we got married and I love that I’ve known my husband since I was 14 years old!!!

4.  Gary & I welcomed our first “child” into our family in 2008.  She’s a black miniature schnauzer named Daisy and yes we were obsessed… and by obsessed I mean I treated this dog like a child.  yes, I still love her, but unfortunately a little girl won my heart over Daisy (who was demoted from child to dog in 2012).  Thank goodness she’s forgiving!!!

5.  We welcomed our sweet little girl Kenzie into the world in 2012.  You’ll occasionally see her & Gary make an appearance on the blog!!

BirthPhotosByPhotographyByJanine13A HUGE thank you to one of my dear dear friends Janine for these photos on Kenzie’s “Birth” day!!!

6.  Okay enough with the we’s…. let me see… Ohh I was a pole vaulter in high school and part of college.  You may wonder how one becomes a pole vaulter.  Well I remember my track coaching telling us we had to pick a field event to do and well this girl can jump so high jump was out, I wasn’t about to long jump or triple jump because that just didn’t look fun to me, throwing anything well just wasn’t my thing… so that left me with pole vaulting!!  LOVED it, still love it and soo wish I wouldn’t have gotten injured in college so I could maybe still do it!!!!!!

7.  I was a dancer.  From the time I was very little till middle school I danced, loved it, wanted nothing more than to be a dance teacher.  There were numerous reasons I left dance & yeah it makes me sad to know I didn’t get to go further, but I did get to do a lot of other sports and LOVED them (Softball, Basketball, XC, and Track… wouldn’t trade any of the experiences I had in any of those)!!  I will say I can’t wait to get Kenzie in dance class though.  It’ll be my luck that she doesn’t like it though!!

8.  Ohhh speaking of luck.  Say what you want about luck, but ask anyone who goes grocery shopping, out to eat, etc… with me how unlucky I am.  Y’all…. I don’t get it… I HAVE THE WORST LUCK EVER!!!!!!!  Just ask Gary, he’ll tell you!!!

9.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE music.  I love to play (it’s been a while but I can could play a few instruments… kicking myself in the butt for quitting band), listen, and sing (even though I really can’t sing)… BUT if I am in the car by myself you better believe I’m “LIVE IN CONCERT” :)!!!

usThank you to another dear friend Jamie for this photo.  It was taken right before we found out Gary got the job in SC… it’s our last photo session at our “home” (I say home, b/c Texas was very much that… maybe for another 10 things I’ll go into more detail!!)

10.  I think the most important thing to know about me (and if you’ve read my about me page you’ve read this but I’m repeating it because I think it deserves repeating)… is that I am a believer in Jesus Christ.  I love God, I want to know Him and serve Him better.  He has blessed me infinitely more than I will ever deserve!!!  Everything I do I try to do it to the best that I am able because I know He deserves my best!!  So yep, I love Jesus!!! 🙂 🙂

Ohh and I know this says 10 things about Kendra, but I’m throwing in an extra thing (don’t hate on me today… IT’S MY BIRTHDAY)… I LOVE !!!!!!!!! and 🙂 🙂 🙂 !!!!!!!! and I make no excuses or any attempt to stop using them in letters, emails, etc…

Ohh gosh so I kind of feel silly after writing all of this, but I had fun with it and I hope you had fun reading it!!  Can’t wait to share more tidbits about me over the next couple months, year, etc… Like I said, I have no plan for this… I’m just doing it because I want y’all to get to know me a little more!!!  Hope you all are having a fabulous Monday!!!!!!!!!!!


Kendra Martin Photography is a Greenville Photographer & Spartanburg Photographer specializing in Wedding, Senior, Lifestyle, Newborn, Family, Maternity, and Child photography!!



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