I had EVERY intention of having blog posts ready to go for this week and then life just sort of had a way of keeping me from getting images ready & blogs written & I was sitting at dinner tonight (I guess it’ll be last night since you’re reading this on probably Monday!!) and panicked because “OHH NO, I HAVE THIS INCREDIBLE WEDDING AND SWEET GOING TO HAVE A BABY SESSION EDITED AND THEY AREN’T READY TO HIT THE BLOG!!!” I know this is totally a first world problem but I am excited to share the wedding and session and I just let getting the blogs ready slip through my fingers… but as I’m sitting here writing this I find myself okay with that… you wanna know why? Because I love life and I love everything that it’s made up of right this very minute and yes for my business, blog posts are important but the time I’ve spent with my family & in the word over the last week weigh more right this second… so yep I freaked out earlier but after sweet bedtime rituals with my little one, I’m once again reminded of what’s most important (and no I’m not saying my photography isn’t important, y’all know how much photography means to me and how much I love it… I just really really really love my time with God & my family & if I have to do a ranking system those two rank #1 & #2, followed by photography!!! 🙂 ).
I’m just going to say it… life is crazy right now… between moving to South Carolina, to starting a business in a new state, to running a business (please know if you get an email response back from me at a weird hour of the day/night/not during what should be normal business hours it’s because I have a little girl that pushes work to nap time & after she goes to sleep (and I love that I have to push work to certain times because I am soo soo soo soo lucky to spend my days loving and pouring into her)… I treasure my time with her and with Gary so even though I know I should probably hold “regular business hours”… I don’t/can’t/won’t for the foreseeable future because my time with them is well spent and I will work when she’s asleep), to being a stay at home mom, teaching Kenzie (yes, at the moment we are doing a home school preschool and she’s loving it and so am I!!!), to trying to stay active and healthy, Bible Study, Church, etc… etc… LIFE is crazy… but I wouldn’t change a thing about it. If you’re reading this and wondering how I balance it all… I DON’T!! I struggle to have a healthy balance with all these things because they are all so important to me… right now though the most important is my time with my savior & my family and so everything else gets done when it gets done and as quickly and efficiently as I can get it all done. SO until there’s more hours in the day I will keep juggling all the many hats I tend to wear & loving on the little girl I that I am so blessed to call my daughter & capture memories & keep doing life!!! Life is totally crazy but I LOVE IT!!!!!
Be on the lookout for this sweet session I photographed when I was back in Houston in August. One of my friends found out she was pregnant earlier in the summer and when she found out I was opening up sessions the weekend I was back for a wedding, her and her hubby decided that they wanted to take photos that would announce the upcoming arrival of their little one!! They have already shared the news, but I’m super excited about sharing all the images on here!! Here’s a sneak peek from their session!!!
Kendra Martin Photography specializes in Wedding, Senior Portrait, Lifestyle, Newborn, Family, Maternity and Child Photography in Spartanburg, SC & Greenville, SC and the surrounding areas including but not limited to Charlotte, NC and Houston, TX.