Happy Birthday!!!! I love that your birthday falls on Thanksgiving again this year and I get to tell you not only how much I love you but how thankful I am for you as well. I hope today is a special day for you!! This is the 14th birthday I’ve been able to celebrate with you and just thinking about that makes me smile. I love that when I was 14 years old I met you and eventually 😉 fell in love with you. I love that I’ve been able to experience life with you at different stages (from high school, college, till now our mid and now our late 20’s), I have loved watching you grow into the man you are today and I am so thankful for you, who you are, and what you stand for. You are kind, generous, loving, helpful, funny, irritating 🙂 at times, you are slow at everything you do (but over the last 14 years I’ve realized that you just like for things to be done precise and correctly… but I think you should sometimes speed it up a tad 😉 ), you love with your whole heart, you are smart, a go getter, an amazing husband and dad… you are so many things and I am thankful for each and every one of them… but I think more than anything, I am thankful that you are a man of God. Thank you for trusting Him and thank you for turning to Him in everything you do and for leading our family the way you do!! I love you so much and on this day of Thanksgiving I can that I am very very thankful for you!!!
The photos above were taken back in October when we had family photos taken (be on the lookout for the rest closer to Christmas!!)… Thank you so much Alyse for the beautiful images you captured for us!!