If you frequent the blog at all you’ll recognize this sweet family!! I photographed Melissa’s maternity photos back in February as well as Melissa & Matt’s engagement session a few summers back. I have been soo soo excited about this session for quite some time… mainly because it meant I was going to get to spend some time with my best friend but also it meant that baby M was here!!! This sweet baby came into the world at the end of April and y’all he is an absolute sweetie!!! A few Saturday’s ago I headed to North Carolina to photograph this little man & his sweet parents and 4 legged sibling!! It was an absolute honor to photograph baby M when he was 8 days new. Gosh I love him so much already. Watching Melissa become a mom (and Matt a dad) has been a delight and I am soooo sooo honored that they wanted me to document this sweet sweet time in their lives!! Baby M has all sorts of fun facial expressions and I don’t think he could decide if he wanted to stay awake or go to sleep for photos… but either way he’s a cutie and I loved getting a few newborn snuggles!! Kenlee was 9 weeks old at this point so it was amazing to see the difference 9 weeks makes!!! Melissa & Matt, baby M is adorable and I loved loved loved my time with you 3 (well 4 because I can’t leave out Cooper ;)!!!!). Love y’all and I can’t wait to watch baby M grow up!!!!
Kendra Martin Photography is a Greenville, SC Photographer & Spartanburg Photographer. Kendra specializes in Wedding Photography & Lifestyle Photography. While located in the upstate of South Carolina, Kendra is always up to travel!!