When Laurin contacted me this past fall to do their family photos she had me all sorts of giddy. From the very beginning she told me she played the Oboe at one point & was a jcrew fanatic just like me!! I knew immediately we would get along!! I met up with these four on a late November, Friday afternoon in a beautiful location here in Spartanburg… love this location and all the unique spots that you can find here, it was exactly what they wanted as far as location for their photos and the weather was amazing!!!! The ONLY bad thing was there were a BILLION other photographers and their clients doing family photos… So I’m going to go ahead and say it… this is NOT a location I will use again during the family Holiday photo season :)… I love it and will shoot there as much as clients want… just not when it’s holiday season 🙂 because y’all it was bonkers!!! But at the end of the day as bonkers & as busy as the spot was… ohh my goodness we had so much fun and walked away with beautiful images of this sweet family!!!
Y’all these four were a dream to photograph!!! The girls were so much fun and Tab & Laurin are just amazing and soo soo sweet, they made me feel as if we’d been friends forever and now I can’t wait to hang out with all four of them again!!!! I totally love that Laurin mixed and matched and had so much fun with all of their outfits!!! As much as I love to wear the basics and keep it simple I love color and I love when my clients have fun with color and totally use their outfits to show who they are and their personalities!! Laurin you did such an awesome job!!! Laurin & Tab, thank you soo soo much for wanting me to take these family photos for you guys. I loved my time with y’all!!!! Here are just a few of my favorites from their session!!
How stinking precious are these two?!
I love these of Laurin with the girls!!!
They were all smiles here!! May have had something to do with what mommy was behind me doing ;)!!
🙂 Love their smiles and personalities soo much!!!
Kendra Martin Photography is a Greenville Photographer & Spartanburg Photographer specializing in Wedding Photography, Senior Photography & Lifestyle Photography!!