You’ll recognize these two from a quick beach maternity session I did while on vacation with them in Hilton Head and also from just a few weeks after they found out they were expecting when I was back in Texas and they had wanted to do a couples session to just document the two of them. When I was back in Texas in December to photograph a wedding Stephanie & Jason were the last ones to grace my camera that weekend for a maternity session. I knew Stephanie had wanted to be a little bigger for her maternity photos but I also knew I wasn’t going to get to see her again while she was pregnant so we took the photos anyways and I am ohh so happy with them and her cute little belly!!!!!! Stephanie, mommyhood looks beautiful on you!!!!!!!!!
I don’t even know where to start with these two. These two are some of mine and Gary’s dearest friends and I am just so so soooo sooo very happy & excited for them and this little girl that will be joining their lives in a little over a month. I can’t wait to see the love they have for each other now expand to her… I can’t wait to see Stephanie be mommy & Jason be daddy (AND TO A GIRL!!! Jason, you are going to be one heck of girls dad!!!!!)… I can’t wait to meet her!!!! That’s when I get sad, sad about moving so far away… these two were our neighbors in Texas and y’all it was so much fun & a treat to just say “meet you out front” for a walk, or a random weeknight girls night, or weekend grilling sessions… so to know that I can’t just pop in and say hello and give mom and dad hugs and snuggle with this little one makes me sad… but being 16 hours away doesn’t mean I don’t still love them and her!!!! Love these three so very much and so very thankful to have them in our lives!! Stephanie & Jason, y’all really are such a blessing to our family, we love you guys & miss y’all sooooooo much!!!!!!!
Kendra Martin Photography is a Spartanburg photographer specializing in Wedding, Senior, Lifestyle, Newborn, Family, Maternity, and Child Photography.