

Melissa | Greenville Wedding Photographer

God seems to place people in our lives for short periods, long periods, and sometimes for life… Melissa is one of those people that I know God placed in my life for the long haul and I am soo soo thankful that He did.  Melissa & I met 21 years ago… hard to believe it’s been that long and that only 7 of those years did we live in the same city/closer than an 1.5 hours away from each other.  Thankfully, through the distance we’ve always stayed friends… best friends.  yes we both have other friends that are best friends and close friends and friends we love dearly… but for me, Melissa is my rock… this may sound cheesy but for 21 years other than my family she’s been a constant, she’s the one that’s been there through years of happy, sad, hard, easy, etc. etc… sure we don’t always get to talk or see each other… but no matter where we left off, or how long it’s been… we jump right back into being Melissa & Kendra and I LOVE that.  I love that God gave me this amazing woman as a life long friend, that He’s allowed us to be there for one another and that I get to do life with her… even if it is half way across the country (pretty stoked that in a matter of weeks I’ll be right under 3 hours away from her!!).  Melissa, I love you so very much and am so incredibly thankful for you and your friendship!! You have prayed with me, supported me, cried with me, laughed with me, just been silent with me… you have always been there for me… thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

Today is your wedding day!!!!!! And I am beyond thrilled and excited for you.  I’m excited about this new chapter in your life… I’m excited for the family you and Matt are creating today!!! I am so excited to be standing beside you as you two become man & wife!! I want you to know that you two are very very loved by our little family of three!!!  We can’t wait to welcome Matt with open arms & get to know him more and more!!!  I can’t wait to watch you walk down that aisle in just a few short hours!!!! I LOVE YOU MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

North Carolina Wedding PhotographerPS ignore the old logo :)… with trying to do life this week I needed to pull a photo that was already uploaded to my blog!!!! 🙂 🙂  If you want to see more of Melissa & Matt’s engagement photos we took last July head here…


Kendra Martin Photography specializes in Wedding, Senior Portrait, Lifestyle, Newborn, Family, Maternity and Child Photography in Greenville & Spartanburg, SC and surrounding areas including but not limited to Charlotte, NC and Houston, TX.

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Photography is in my blood and seeking truth is in my soul. Which is a deep way of saying, I’ve loved to take photos for a really long time, y’all. I’d love to share my story with you then listen to yours.


You know that warm, fuzzy feeling when you walk into a room and spot a familiar face? That sense of ease and comfort? Well, that’s what I aim to create every time I work with a couple or collaborate with fellow wedding professionals. I’m a big believer in the power of genuine connections, and I’ve […]


Imagine this: you and your partner, standing in a place that holds a special meaning, with a gentle breeze rustling through your hair. The two of you are laughing, maybe a little nervous at first, but gradually, you start to relax. That’s when the magic happens—the connection, the love, the story you’re writing together. This […]


In February I had the opportunity to photograph a beautiful editorial at Lowndes Grove which is in Charleston, SC. The venue is nestled in the back of a neighborhood on the river and it is incredible. There are so many amazing locations inside the house as well as outside to photograph weddings and portraits and […]


You know that warm, fuzzy feeling when you walk into a room and spot a familiar face? That sense of ease and comfort? Well, that’s what I aim to create every time I work with a couple or collaborate with fellow wedding professionals. I’m a big believer in the power of genuine connections, and I’ve […]