Let me just start off by saying that I come from a very large family… my grandfather was one of 11, my mom was one of 5… me, well I’m just one of two :). But all of that to say, when we get together it’s random and so much fun. Over Labor Day weekend my mom and I traveled back to the coast of North Carolina where she grew up for the big Johnson family reunion, I got to see most of my immediate cousins, uncles and aunts and lots of great-something or nothers and I was able to meet family I’d never met..(ohh and I got to spend the weekend with my amazingly crazy sister!!!). It was a great weekend and I am so glad I got to go back for it. Here are a few pictures from the two days, they are random but fun…
This is 95% of those that were there that weekend… the other 5% hadn’t showed up or ditched us for the ECU game…
Here’s a lot of fun random ones…
and here is the sunset the two nights we were there… it was BEAUTIFUL!!!