

Staff Retreat

When I’m not being a photographer I work at a church with an amazing group of people!!  When I say amazing, I truly mean that.  Last week we had our first staff retreat.  We packed up and headed towards the hill country to a place called Outback (it’s a Pine Cove “campus”)…  During a bit of free time I was wandering around playing with my 50 mm and snapped a few shots…. (here are just a few that I snapped, I’m placing a little story with each so your not like, “Kendra we don’t know what these are about”)… 

Here are some of the awesome ladies I work with 🙂  From Left to Right… Erica (whom I didn’t really know very well until this trip and so thankful that I got to know her a little better), Kelly B!! (I love to be around you and I love to hear God work in and through you as you sing), and Caitlyn!!! ( 🙂 I am soo glad we got to hang out, I love spending time with you and love that you are my sister in Christ!!  Know that even if you don’t see the harvest right now, it doesn’t mean you’re not being used by God).  These three women are great!!

One thing I love is the ocean, but another thing I love are campfires… granted this one isn’t lit… but the fact that the sun was setting over it made me be creative!!  I love campfires b/c I have soo many memories around them.  Growing up my dad would take us on the Appalachian Trail to go hiking, we would camp on our family vacations and during all of those trips a campfire is what brought everyone together at night.  To sit in the freezing cold or even on the hottest night around a campfire just gives me such a peace and joy… and makes me smile just thinking about it.  S’mores make campfires even more amazing!!  We had them later that night!!! (I LOVE sweets!!)

Another thing I really love…. is laughter (and more than the laughter, I love to capture laughs!!)… 

This is Kelley (she’s the missions pastor at the church I work at and she’s amazing… I snapped this photo and realized wow, that’s Kelley.  It’s Kelley b/c she loves to smile and laugh and just have fun.)

This is Sunshine (and yes, that’s her name and it describes her to a T!!).  Sunshine really is a bright light (and has beautiful curly hair!!)!  She works 2 floors up from me and always has some sort of candy… and seeing that I love sweets, I make my way to the third floor practically EVERY day to get Nerds, Heath Bar, or something tasty out of her candy bowl!!  But during those trips for candy I have made an amazing friend.  No matter what kind of day I am having, Sunshine always makes it better (and brighter ;)… yes I’m a dork)… but really, she is so kind and loving and has such a servants heart… and has the CRAZIEST stories!!  Sunshine, thank you for being such a great friend and thank you for making my trip to and from the retreat so incredible.  Can’t wait to get more BBQ w/you!!  

To everyone else I work with, that I didn’t get to snap pictures of and write about… Thank you for being so great!!  Hopefully I’ll get to blog about all my awesome friends some day!!



Photography is in my blood and seeking truth is in my soul. Which is a deep way of saying, I’ve loved to take photos for a really long time, y’all. I’d love to share my story with you then listen to yours.


Chandler & Todd were married on a beautiful day in Charleston, SC. Chandler started her day getting ready with her bridesmaid at the cutest rental in downtown Charleston. We then made our way to Hampton Park where portraits happened. The park was beautiful and pretty empty on such a beautiful day. We then loaded up […]


You may remember Adri & Kent from their downtown Charleston engagement session. The two were married on a gorgeous low country day! Adri, her ladies and the mom’s spent the morning having their hair & makeup done at the Inn at I’on located in Mt. Pleasant, SC. Before heading downtown to First Scots Adri and […]


If you’re planning a wedding in 2025, you’ve probably already Googled a million things, pinned all the inspiration, and maybe even found yourself lost in a sea of TikTok “trends.” Let me just say, I get it. Wedding planning is a lot, and you want everything to reflect you perfectly—including your photos. But let’s talk […]


Chandler & Todd were married on a beautiful day in Charleston, SC. Chandler started her day getting ready with her bridesmaid at the cutest rental in downtown Charleston. We then made our way to Hampton Park where portraits happened. The park was beautiful and pretty empty on such a beautiful day. We then loaded up […]