I know we all have those people in our lives that we can say that without a shadow of a doubt our life is better because of them… we are where we are because of them… we are who we are in part because of them… Well I can say that about Janine. A little over 7 years ago I took the chance and reached out to her. She is a wedding photographer that looked nice in her photo and I knew I wanted more than anything to photograph memories and so I bugged her… not thinking she’d actually write me back. I’m pretty sure she found me online and made sure I wasn’t crazy 😉 and low & behold she did write me back. 7 years later, with lots of time spent together as friends, shooting weddings together, etc… not only is she still a mentor, she’s a colleague, a “sister”, and a best friend. I knew when it was time to tell her we were moving from Texas to South Carolina that she’d be the hardest to tell… turns out she found out through someone else due to connections between mutual friends of Gary & her/people Gary had worked for in the past & would be working a little with at his new job that he was being offered the job before I even knew about the job offer (yes I knew the job was there and he’d interviewed, but we were still waiting on the offer)… talk about not knowing what to say when one of your best friends throws a “heard Gary is getting a job in SC” at you… I still remember that conversation that happened almost 2 years ago like it was yesterday… and while her already knowing about the job made it easier… at the same time it didn’t!! I knew how much I was going to miss her!! I miss her soo soo much but I am so thankful for technology & the ability to chat every once in a while and then see her when I’m back in TX. All of my rambling to say, this friend is one of those that I can’t thank God enough for!!
When I put out on the world wide web that I was heading to Texas this past fall Janine was one of the first to say “put us on your calendar”!!!! I was soo soo excited but soo nervous!! Excited because it meant I would get to spend time with her sweet family, but nervous because I look up to her soo much photography wise and just always hope my images are what she’s wanting!! I know she loves them because large canvas’ from previous sessions adorn the walls of their house… but I still get butterflies when I photograph this sweet friend and her family!!! I have always loved Janine’s style and taste and so I was excited to see what their outfits would be this time around… y’all they certainly didn’t disappoint!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE how Janine went so soft & sophisticated even though we were totally in a park. I love the contrast and the colors and just these 5 people soo soo much!!!! Here are a few of my favorites from their session!!
Janine & Glen, thank you soo soo much for wanting me to once again document your sweet family!! I love you guys and love my time with y’all!! Thank you for letting me come and crash on my final night in Texas!! Y’all made me feel soo very welcomed and at home!! Can’t wait to hug y’alls necks again!!! I really do think a trip to the Greenville & Spartanburg area is in order ;)!!! Love you guys!!!!
Kendra Martin Photography is a Greenville Photographer & Spartanburg Photographer specializing in Wedding Photography, Senior Photography, and Lifestyle Photography.