I’m going to come right out and say it… I struggle with social media. I struggle with the NOISE of it, the expectations that come from it (even if they are my own made up expectations), the keeping up with it, the staying up to date with all the changes & algorithms, the comparison that comes from it, and probably lots of other things that social media brings up for me but that’s what I can think of right this second!! I was literally sick ALL of February and so in that time I kept up with my page and posted to my curated IG page (I own that my page is curated), scrolled my feed and tapped through IG stories (yes I tapped b/c I had FOMO (mom that means Fear of missing out ;).. she’s going to kill me for saying that but there’s a chance she’s the only one that reads this and I know she’ll text me and ask “what does FOMO mean?” I love you mom!!) but didn’t want to listen to all the noise so tapping through it was what I did.. but other than that… didn’t do anything with social media. March came around and for the last 16 days I’ve still not wanted to do a whole lot with social media… and every time I’ve gotten on either Instagram or Facebook I’ve gotten sucked into a scroll and a comparison game and it’s left me feeling less than & inadequate. And y’all social media shouldn’t have that kind of control on me… on anyone for that matter. It shouldn’t leave me feeling less than or inadequate or whatever fill in the blank I’m feeling. I have the most amazing clients & friends & family and I get to do this thing called photography that I LOVE soo much… and y’all other people (who don’t even know I exist) shouldn’t have a hold on me. Every time I hop on my computer to work or head to a session or a wedding I do it to the best of my ability and challenge myself every. single. time. to get better, do better… deliver better… serve better.. love better and y’all that brings me so much joy. My little family brings me joy, growing closer in my relationship with Christ brings me joy. And yet over the last month & a half… time and time again I get that joy taken away because of these little apps that sit on my phone… and you know what I have control over that… I have the ability to say no you will not still my joy any longer. You will not make me feel less than any longer.

Last week I was talking to my best friend about all these things and in talking to her I randomly said “I think I’m going to fast… fast from social media… and I’m going to take almost 3 weeks off”. And she encouraged me to do it!! So I am going to fast from social media because I am getting ready to go into a super busy season and I need and want my head to be clear. I need to break the habit of checking my phone. I need to stop seeing what everyone else is doing and then comparing myself & my life & my business to them. I need & have to quiet the noise that is social media for a little bit. Gary asked me the other night when I told him what I was going to do “Is this going to hurt your business?” and I bluntly replied “it doesn’t matter if it hurts my business, this is something I have to do right now so that I can better love & serve the clients I have.” I’ve never taken a break from posting & looking at social media since I started social media and so I have NO idea what the implications are going to be with taking a break. But I know that it doesn’t matter because if I don’t do this fast right now… I won’t be the best version of me going into this 2019 wedding season or the rest of the year for that matter … for both my clients or for my family.

So for the next 18ish days I’m deleting Instagram and the safari app (because that’s how I check FB and randomly get on the internet) from my phone… I will not be posting or checking on Instagram or on Facebook and I’m going to hold off on blogging as well until I’m done with my fast. So if you need me… EMAIL ME!! Business will be the same as usual and I’ll be photographing sessions & editing & working & checking emails… I just won’t be on social media. And y’all I’m excited. I’m excited to step away from the distraction that it is for me and to buckle down and regroup and be ready for the next few months… for the rest of this year!! I’m excited to see how God uses this fast to grow me and bring me closer to Him. I’m excited to see how these next 18 days challenge me but better me. If anyone wants to fast from social media with me these next 18 days please email me so we can help hold each other accountable!! Sooo here it goes…. see you all soon!!!

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I am so glad that you stopped by my online home!! One of my favorite things to do is share my clients’ images!! It gives you a look at the kind of images you will receive if you hire me to be your photographer. If you would like to see what a full session or wedding looks like, please feel free to ask!
If you are interested in having me as your Wedding or Portrait Photographer, please fill out this form and I will get back to you with all of my information. For a quick glimpse of who I am click here. Here is a glimpse of investment information. If you’re ready to book your wedding or session go ahead and click on the contact button above or email me at kendramartinphotography@gmail.com.
I am currently booking Spring/Summer 2019 Sessions – 2020 Weddings. I take a very limited number of weddings & sessions each year (I am only taking on a handful more for 2019) so that I can focus on giving my clients the best possible experience & so I can spend time with my sweet family. I love what I do & I am looking forward to chatting with you & documenting your sweet memories