I already knew I liked this family a whole lot but a few weeks ago after meeting them I realized it even more and it has me crazy excited to see a few of them in the months to come and then ALL of them again next May and I can’t wait. You see… Abby the oldest granddaughter of the bunch asked me to be her wedding photographer and then her amazingly sweet mom asked me to photograph the entire family & extended family when they were all in town for her oldest sons HS graduation… I was soo excited to finally meet all of them and kind of got a little nervous as the day arrived because the weather wasn’t looking good but this session needed to happen rain or shine. Y’all it POURED (like can’t see 10 feet in front of your car poured) as I drove to the location we were doing the session. But literally as I got off the interstate the rain stopped and blue skies appeared. I can’t tell you how relieved I was. Usually I could reschedule a session but considering the majority of this crew lives in Illinois there wasn’t any chance of rescheduling so those blue skies were just what we needed!! This was such a fun session!! They had me laughing and smiling the entire time. This family loves hard & I absolutely love it and am so blessed to document that love. I love that they were celebrating Luke’s graduation but also a 50th wedding anniversary!! Such a fun fun evening and it has me all sorts of excited for May!!! Missy thank you for wanting me to document your sweet, fun, and loving family!!! Here are a few images from the session!!
Since Luke was graduating we snapped a few photos of just him too!! 🙂
Kendra Martin Photography is a Greenville, SC Photographer specializing in Wedding Photography, Senior Photography & Lifestyle Photography.