I’m not sure at all how it has been 6 months since I took these newborn photos of my nephew. Y’all I know I’m biased… but he is seriously the cutest, most adorable little boy EVER!!! He’s also pretty stinking sweet and I love getting to see him every now and again!! As you saw on Tuesday I was able to see him a few days before he turned 6 months and I totally took the chance to take a few photos of him!! It was FREEZING but he did awesome and even managed to give us a few smiles!!! I love that he’s sitting up by himself and very stationary 🙂 it made taking his photos easier… considering I have a rather large belly at the moment :)!!! Baby O I love you soo soo much and I am soo glad you’re now on the East coast. Can’t wait to see you again soon!! Even though I’m now more than a few days late… Happy 6 months!!!! You really can stop growing now ;)!!!! I LOVE YOU!!! <3 aunt Kendra!!
Yep, this little boy has my heart!!! And take a look at those eyes!!!! Gosh I love him!!!
His smirks & smiles & laughs get me EVERY time!!!
Love all his little faces!!
Kendra Martin Photography is a Greenville Photographer & Spartanburg Photographer specializing in Wedding Photography, Senior Photography, and Lifestyle Photography.