You know those people you feel like you’ve known forever but haven’t ever really met in person? Well B is one of those people to me!!! Yes I’m calling her B because that’s how I know her :), she totally has a beautiful name (and if she messages me after seeing this and says “Kendra use my name”) well then I’ll use her name but for right this second you’re going to know her as B!! Just like I do!!! My dear friend Emily & B grew up together and have been lifelong friends… so that’s why I felt like I knew her without having ever met her. When B & Emily asked me to take headshots of them I was crazy excited. #1 because I would get to take headshots of two very lovely ladies, #2 I was going to get to see one of my dearest friends, and #3 (but probably should be #1) I WAS FINALLY GETTING TO MEET B!!!! AND AHHHHH THAT HAD ME ALL SORTS OF HAPPY AND EXCITED!!!!
B, it was a pleasure to finally meet you in person and to feel 100% comfortable and at ease with you… I really can’t believe we’ve only met this once because I truly feel like I’ve always been friends with you. I LOVED getting to spend time with you (minus the rain… I could have done without the rain) and then do dinner with you and get to spend even more time with you and actually get to know you!!! You are a beautiful lady with a heart that serves God and is for God… so very thankful for our time together and now I can’t wait to hang out with you again!! SOOO let’s make that happen!!!
B, Thank you for wanting me to take these photos for you!!! I loved having you in front of my camera!!!!!
Kendra Martin Photography is a Greenville Photographer & Spartanburg Photographer that specializes in Wedding, Senior, and Lifestyle Photography.