I am so glad I had the privilege of meeting & photographing Erin before she heads back to Florida (slightly jealous of that one) after she graduates in just a few short weeks!!! We met in Spartanburg on an absolutely BEAUTIFUL, Sunday evening!!! I mean y’all… it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! I love the upstate of South Carolina’s spring (well not so much the crazy monsoon rain/tornado warning weather it has brought us the last week), but overall it’s amazing!!!
🙂 Back to Erin :)!!!! We met in a place where Erin spends a lot of time, I loved learning about the area & how it was one of the big reasons she choose to come to college here. I don’t blame her, it’s awesome!!!! Erin is so much fun to be around (I love that even on her instagram she says “that she’s just a girl that likes to run and be goofy”… y’all she is so much fun & while she might not have been goofy around me I can totally see it in her & I love it)!! I loved hearing all about her, her love for running (she is on the Cross Country and Track & Field team at The University of South Carolina – Upstate), her friends, her family, and her dream of becoming a nurse. She had me thinking back to my senior year in college, especially the last few weeks prior to graduation and kind of wanting to go back to that time!!
Erin, you seriously were so much fun to be around and photograph!!!! AND I LOVE YOUR shoes!!!! Shoot I loved both the outfits your chose to wear!!!! I think it would be so much fun to be a stylist… I walk away from sessions just so inspired by what people wear!!! One of the things I love most about sessions is getting to see how people bring out their personalities in what they wear!! 🙂 🙂
This girl can rock both a smile & a serious face!!! 🙂 I Love it!!!! If it was me, there’s NO way I could do the serious… but I sure do love it when other people can pull it off!!
Y’all the light after Erin changed outfits was incredible!! It was amazing all evening, but it was super beautiful when she was in her 2nd outfit!!!
And I love that Erin’s favorite color is purple!!
I may have squealed when we saw this dogwood tree!!!! I love so many images from this session but these two below… ohh I really love them!!!
Erin, I can’t wait to hear what the future holds for you!!! Wishing you the best of luck with nursing school & being back in Florida!!! When you’re back in Spartanburg to visit your little sis please yell at me! We’ll have to go grab something sweet!!!! I so loved having you in front of my camera!! Thank you for such a great Sunday evening!!!!!!!
Kendra Martin Photography is a Spartanburg Senior Photographer and Greenville Senior Photographer also specializing in Wedding and Lifestyle Photography.