Y’all I LOVED meeting these three just a few weekends ago. Holly contacted me back in August & said she wanted to do both her little girls 6 month photos and family photos at the same… well I was stoked because I love photographing little ones… ESPECIALLY little ones that I don’t have to run after!! Now just because I don’t run after them doesn’t mean I don’t work… because 6 month olds can be a TOUGH audience… between me jumping up an down, mooing like a cow, singing, and all the other crazy stuff I do to get a kid to look my way, I walk away from these sessions just BEAT!!!!! But I love them and I love getting those precious little smiles!!!
Little miss A was a total ham for the first part of the session, then she had me working for her smiles… but her smiles are priceless!!! You’ll notice that these photos aren’t out and about in town or in a field or anything like that…. As much as I love photographing out and about, I soo love when I get the opportunity to photograph in someone’s home. There’s a comfort for people when they choose to have their home as the backdrop for their session. I was totally game when Holly asked me to come to their home for their session. It was such a beautiful location & I’m soo soo glad we did the session there!!
We started the session with just Miss A in her nursery. Y’all isn’t she the cutest?!?!?! She was so much fun to photograph.
After miss A’s photos in her nursery we headed outside for family photos!!
Mike, Holly, and little miss A… It was such a pleasure meeting & photographing the three of you. I so enjoyed getting to know you three!! It was such an honor to photograph your love for one another & especially for your sweet little girl. Thank you so much for wanting me to capture this special time in your lives!!!
Y’all look at her little smile!!! I’m melting in her cuteness!!!!!
Her eyes get me & I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the way Holly & Mike look at her 🙂 :)!!!
Kendra Martin Photography specializes in Wedding, Senior Portrait, Lifestyle, Newborn, Family, Maternity and Child Photography in Greenville, SC & Spartanburg, SC and surrounding areas including but not limited to Charlotte, NC and Houston, TX.