I love the color pink, but my all time favorite color is YELLOW!!!! I have had a yellow room for years, I even have a yellow kitchen in my house (I’d paint my bedroom yellow, but I don’t think Gary would go for that). I am telling you this tidbit of information because at a wedding I tagged along to in August with Janine (yes I realize that was 5 months ago… but I became really busy with sessions and wasn’t able to get all the weddings I went to with Janine edited till now 🙂 ), yellow was the color and I died and went to heaven!! From the flowers, to the cake, to the flower girls shoes, to the brides yellow flats (and then yellow Nike “reception” shoes)… everything was yellow, and it was simply amazing!! 🙂 Even more amazing were the bride and groom, and I must say that I have never seen a groom look at his bride the way this one did. Their love was so present and all of their friends and family joined in on it. This was a celebration of love, family and friendship and it was a lot of fun. Here’s a few photos from the evening…